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I have had a long and rewarding career helping people set and achieve their goals. As a career practitioner, I have engaged closely with hundreds of individuals. One key lesson I learned from this rich experience is that the better individuals understand themselves, the better their results will be.


I have always shared the joy of my clients as they find their path to better lives. So often this has begun with a careful review of the client’s most significant preferences, values and ways of engaging with the rest of the world. I have been able to help a great deal with this process by supplementing my counselling skills with a wide variety of assessments, but the most valuable one I have ever used is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator personality assessment.

I became certified to use this wonderful tool in 2009 while working with clients at an employment centre. From that point on, I adopted the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) assessment to help all of my clients who were having difficulty clarifying their career and life goals. The Myers-Briggs test results were often a key jumping-off point for our wider discussions regarding the often complex range of considerations one has in choosing a career,employment, or life path.  Focusing first on who they were and what worked for them was the best way to identify options that could lead to the happiest outcomes.

The most influential person in your life is you. The most exciting thing I find about the MBTI assessment is not just how often it leads to very important insights about yourself; it is also the wonder people feel as aspects of their personality make more sense. Other people in their lives also may come into clearer focus, often with positive outcomes. When everyone on an organizational team has a clearer picture of what works best for them, then the magic of synchronicity can happen. People work better together, get better results an best of all, have more fun at work. 

As an independent consultant, I am excited to continue to offer professional Myers-Briggs assessments to those who want or need to get to know themselves or their teams better. I can also administer other assessments for your team to promote better understanding of those complex group dynamics. For those considering the major investment of post-secondary education and training, I am certified to administer the Strong Interest Inventory, a gold standard compass for career exploration.




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